Vermont’s Best Therapeutic School 

The LiHigh School helps Vermont students acquire the skills to build healthy relationships, develop a strong sense of responsibility and accountability, and take action to achieve realistic personal goals.

A Relationships First Approach

At The LiHigh School, we prioritize the fundamental principle that relationships must come first. This evidence-based approach emphasizes the significance of positive teacher-student relationships in promoting student adjustment, social skills, academic performance, and overall resiliency. Research highlights that when teachers establish close and supportive relationships with students, they experience higher levels of engagement, motivation, and self-directed behavior. 

Cultivating Therapeutic Techniques

Our dedicated staff implements various therapeutic techniques to support our students' well-being. We harness the power of art therapy, counseling, and mindfulness practices to facilitate self-expression, emotional exploration, and self-regulation. These techniques provide invaluable tools for our students to cope with challenges, develop resilience, and cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves.

Individualized Support for Every Student

To ensure the utmost support, we assign two dedicated staff members to each student. These staff members develop a comprehensive understanding of the student's unique circumstances, allowing them to create personalized safety plans, collaborate on individualized learning plans, and build upon previous successes. This tailored approach enables us to provide targeted interventions that address specific needs, while honoring each student's individual history, coping strategies, and strengths.

Collaboration with External Support

With the consent of families, we actively collaborate with external support networks, including therapists, counselors, and case managers. By fostering a team approach, we provide wrap-around support that considers the holistic well-being of the student and family. This collaborative effort ensures a comprehensive and unified approach to support, aligning therapeutic strategies both within and outside the school environment.

At our therapeutic school, we are committed to fostering trusting relationships, delivering individualized support, and collaborating with families and external professionals. Through these approaches, we create a nurturing and empowering environment that enables our students to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. By prioritizing relationships and providing targeted interventions, we empower our students to overcome challenges, develop resilience, and unlock their true potential.

Do not hesitate to get in touch. 

We'll get back to you within 48hrs.

28 Depot Street,

Poultney, VT 05764

+1 (802) 855-3929

LiHigh School welcomes all people and does not discriminate because of the age, race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity of any person.